urologist explaining hot to prevent a urinary tract infection to a senior

Urinary Tract Infection Prevention


There are some things you can do for Urinary Tract Infection prevention. Urinary Tract Infections can include the urethra, bladder, ureter, and kidneys. Often the whole urinary tract becomes infected to some degree. If urine isn’t flowing, toxins are not getting out of the body. Sometimes a person with a UTI will even stop having bowel movements.

I would do this for any form of Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, or Senility. The first thing is getting a person with Alzheimer’s to drink some water when they wake up. I do this because we all become dehydrated to some degree when we sleep. When you get older, the brain doesn’t work well if you don’t stay hydrated. Also, this gets the kidneys working and helps flush out anything in the urinary tract.

I would try to fit in a serving of cranberry juice not long after that. I do this to help cut down on the possibility of a urinary tract infection. It was thought that cranberry juice killed the bacteria that caused UTI infection. I still feel that may be one of the things it does.

Now I have read that cranberry juice makes the surfaces of the urinary tract very slippery. These slippery surfaces make it hard for bacteria to attach to anything, so they flush out quickly. It doesn’t matter to me how it works. Only that cranberry juice helps. I also use cranberry juice during the treatment of a UTI.

When people with Alzheimer’s go to the bathroom, they don’t always correctly wipe themselves. Wiping correctly, from front to back, is especially important for women. They can easily reach between their legs to wipe their bottom from back to front and smear fecal matter over their vaginal area. Women with Alzheimer’s are at higher risk for repeat urinary tract infections.

The vaginal area is a perfect, dark, moist environment for UTI infections to start. Men can get UTIs too, but their anatomy makes them less likely to get a UTI. UTI’s travel up the urethra, bladder, then can go up the ureters to the kidneys. It’s a lot easier to keep a person with Alzheimer’s disease clean than treat an infection. When they develop an infection, the area must be kept clean and treated.

Even if the person can clean themselves after having a bowel movement, you need to make sure they are clean. It’s much easier to check than deal with an infection. Once infection occurs, and it will, treatment must start as soon as possible. It’s hard on the person with Alzheimer’s, and there will be extra things the caregiver must do.

Try to be there when they go to the bathroom and watch what they do. You’ll be able to know how the person you care for cleans themselves and how well. Please don’t make it obvious that’s why you are there, or they will change their behavior. Don’t act surprised, shocked, or disgusted.

Just act as if everything is normal even if it isn’t. Don’t criticize or get upset. A person with Alzheimer’s can’t help it. Don’t worry, be happy and act that way. Keep this lighthearted and as fun as you can for them. If they get upset or scared, it will affect the rest of their day and yours too.

Your mission, should you accept it, is to see what they do so you can help them the best you can. Don’t tell them they are doing it wrong or try to teach them the right way. They can’t learn, so don’t expect them to learn. So you know what they can not do for themselves so that you can do it for them.

They may do things you consider strange, but you need to be aware. For example, they stop putting the used toilet paper in the toilet. They may stop using toilet paper and use something else like a washcloth. They may use their hand and wipe their hand anywhere and everywhere.

I know. I’ve experienced that first hand. If, in a split second, in the blink of an eye, you find them wiping poop on you, don’t worry about it. Poop, feces, excrement, whatever you want to call, it washes off. It’s only poop. Expect it and lighten up. No disciplinary action is allowed, and no poop fights either. You may not feel like laughing about it when it happens, but you will later.

They may put the used toilet paper in the trash can or their pocket, or anywhere. In their pocket is the worst. They might find it in their pocket later and use it. They may blow their nose, wipe their eyes or face, or even try to eat it. Yum. You also need to change the article of clothing they put it in.

There will come a time when you must clean them up when they go to the bathroom. This is an excellent time to look for any outward signs of an infection. Take this opportunity to look for scratches, swelling, and rashes. Anything that isn’t normal should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible. I find toilet time and bath time are the best times to look. If you suspect something is wrong, check it out immediately.

It is also good to get them to wash their hands regularly. Depending on which stage of Alzheimer’s or Dementia they are in, it may require your help. Please wash your hands simultaneously and then start helping them wash their hands. Make a game of it. Have fun and laugh.

Use a soft-bristled nail brush to clean around their fingernails and be gentle using it. I found that a soft-bristled toothbrush worked the best. Great for under the fingernail’s edge and where the nail meets the skin. Like the side of the nail and around the cuticle.

You may need something to help clean under the nail. I discovered that a toothpick is a good tool. It’s softer than plastic or metal, and I think it works better too. The square-sided toothpicks, not the round type toothpick. I like to smooth it up and take any sharpness off it first. I find a nail file, fine emery board, or even fine sandpaper does an excellent job preparing a toothpick.

I think it’s important to keep fingernails trimmed short and filed smooth. They will be easier to clean and hold less dirt. If an Alzheimer’s patient gets an itch and starts to scratch, they often won’t stop as you or I would. They will scratch at areas we wouldn’t scratch. OK, I know you scratch it a little but might not own up to it. Well-groomed fingernails will minimize any tissue damage they can cause.

People with Alzheimer’s and Dementia like to use their fingers to explore. Busy fingers can lead to an infection. Contact a doctor immediately if you don’t know how to treat a UTI quickly. Urinary Tract Infections can escalate fast, become painful, and are serious.

These infections will happen no matter how careful you are. Do your best, and don’t blame yourself if they get a UTI. And don’t let any lame doctor tell you it’s your fault. UTI’s happen in the best hospitals and the best care facilities. An ounce of Urinary Tract Infection prevention is worth a pound of Urinary Tract Infection cure.


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